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Return Overview

Returns overview

Manage all returns initiated by your customers via the Consumer portal.

Incoming returns are displayed in chronological order, showing the request date, requester, and current handling status (pending/approved/awaiting payment/rejected). If the return is approved, the shipment will also receive a shipping status. This can be done one by one or can be done in batch manually by selecting the checkbox and select the appropriate action.

A merchant can only approve or reject returns in batch. If you'd like to request payments for multiple returns based on certain criteria, you can specify this in the 'Return Rules' section.

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Approving, rejecting, or requesting payment will trigger different communications to the consumer. The customer will receive an email informing them about the status of the return request. In the case of 'Request payment,' the email will contain a payment link.

Order detail page

If you want to know exactly what will be returned by your customer and, more importantly, why, you can click on any of the returns in the return overview. This will take you to our detailed page.

The order detail page is divided into four sections;

General info

  • Shipping address.

  • Order details

  • Product being returned.

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Shipment info

  • Statuses and tracking.

  • Sender and receiver details.

  • Shipment details

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Shipment documents

  • Labels and any accompanying documents.

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Shipment products

  • Itemised products being returned.

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