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Return Rules

Automation eliminates the need for manual, repetitive tasks by streamlining your shipping process and workflows. You can leverage these tools to establish predefined rules for the automatic approval of returns and payment requests.

Return rules

Setting a rule

  1. Go to 'Return Rules' in the Returns section of the Settings menu, then click the 'New Automation Rule' button.

Screenshot from 2024-02-28 18-12-08.png

  1. Specify the necessary condition and action for the rule, and then click 'Save.'

  1. Conditions

    • Attribute

      • Return reason

      • Return method

    • Match

      • Is equal to

      • Is not equal to

    • Value

      • Choose from the provided list based on the attribute selected

  2. Action

    • Approve return

    • Reject return

    • Request payment

      • Add the cost of the return and the currency

Screenshot from 2024-02-28 18-19-11.png

You can activate the rule on this page by selecting the checkbox before saving, or it can be activated on the Return Rules overview.

Screenshot from 2024-02-28 18-12-38.png

Editing a rule

Select the checkbox of any Return rule to edit, delete or reorder the rule.

Screenshot from 2024-02-28 18-30-41.png

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