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Return Branding


Personalise your return portal to align with your company's brand.

  1. Navigate to the Returns Branding setting in and

  2. Select each field to customise the consumer portal.

    • Primary colour: The most dominant colour in the portal.

    • Accent colour: The colour used for action buttons.

    • Logo URL: The web address of your logo.

    • Shop logo: A logo stored locally on your computer.

    • Banner URL: The web address of your preferred banner image.

    • Banner image: A banner image stored locally on your computer.

  3. Select ‘Advanced’ to:

    • Hide features, description or price.

    • Set custom domain.

Preview your branding on both desktop and mobile devices.

Screenshot from 2024-10-17 16-24-27.png

After making any change, verify the consumer portal by visiting or your custom domain.

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