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Creating Accounts

Onboard and manage all aspects of your clients shipping profile.

Account structure

Creating a well-organised shipping delivery account is crucial for merchants to streamline operations and ensure accurate rate calculations.

  1. User

    • Profiles for merchants who will be managing the shipping account.

    • Specify the level of access and permissions for each user.

  2. Organisation

    • Provides fundamental information about the merchants organisation, including registration and tax numbers.

    • Carrier contracts are assigned to organisations.

  3. Shop

    • If an organisation operates multiple locations, create a shop for each one.

    • Customise settings specific to each shop or location, such as branded tracking and shipping rules.

  4. Contract

    • An active contract is the connection between the API and the API of the chosen carrier.

  5. Carrier Services

    • Customise carrier services based on the merchants requirements. Specify preferred shipping methods, delivery options, and any additional services offered by the chosen carrier.

  6. Rates

    • Enables customers to view precise shipping costs based on their shipment details.

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Creating a user

You can give a user access to multiple organisations, which is useful for distinguishing between high level users such as account or warehouse managers and single access for clients.

Create user

Create user

Once a user is created, permissions need to be assigned.

  1. From the shipments overview, click on the avatar towards the top right hand side of the page.

  2. Select 'Users' from the menu.

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  1. Click on the “New user” button towards the top right.

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  1. Fill in the contact details & click “Save.”

The username is auto-populated from the email address.

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The new user is now visibile in the overview

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Assigning permissions to users

  1. Select the user you want to add permissions to, followed by “Edit user”

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  1. Click “Add scope” located on the right hand side.

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  1. Select the Scope and Resource for the user and click “Save.”

    1. Only 2 scopes are required to create shipments.

      1. Manage brokers.

      2. Manage organisations.

    2. The resource has two levels.

      1. Broker: For admins only.

      2. Organisation: For shippers only.


On a resource



Manage organisations




Manage shipments




Manage organisations


The users organisation only


Manage shipments


The users organisation only


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Each scope needs to be added individually.

  1. Once the relevant scopes hve been added, click “Save.”

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You will be redirected back to the user overview. The user is now ready to be activated.

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Activating a user

Activating user
  1. Select the user to be activated.

  2. Click “Send password reset email”

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The user will now receive an email to set their password.

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Once a password has been set, the status will show as active.

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Create an organisation

Tailor account settings according to your merchants preferences. Configure settings such as currency and language.

Create an org.
  1. From the shipments overview, click on the avatar towards the top right hand side of the page.

  2. Select 'Organisations' from the menu.

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  1. You will now be directed to the Organisation overview. Click on New organisation on the right hand side.

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  1. Enter the reigstered address of the organisation.

    1. Add any relevant tax numbers by clicking the “Add number” button towards the bottom right.

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  1. Once all the details are added click “Save.”

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You will be redirected back to the Organisation overview, and the organisation that you created will be visible.

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Creating a shop

After creating an organisation, you will now need to create at least one shop for a merchant. Consider a shop to be a store brand or a store location. You will need to enter the sender details and name in order to uniquely identify the shop.

Create a shop
  1. Select the organisation where the shop will be added and click “Edit organisation”

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  1. The organisation now has an extra section towards the bottom. Click “New shop.”

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  1. Fill in the details of the shipping location and click “Save” which will redirect you back to the organisations page.

If the return address is different to the shipping address, uncheck the Return address box towards the bottom left of the page and enter the new return address details.

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The new shop is now visible under the organisation.

  1. Click “Save.”

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