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Retailers, Resellers, and Marketplaces: Get in touch with us to discuss your options or to get started by sending an email to -

Payment terms

The billing cycle starts on the first working day of the month, after the start date of your signed software agreement.

Invoices are prepared and sent to your company within the first week of each month and will contain a full breakdown of the services that have been used by either you and/or your customers during the previous month. Our payment terms require settlement of invoices within 14 days unless otherwise stated.

To settle your balance, all payments are to be made via bank transfer using the details provided in your invoice. Your account manager will discuss these details with you during the account setup.

Invoicing & billing

At the end of each billing period, your organisation will receive a comprehensive invoice for all of the services that you have used throughout the previous month, according to your contract.

Your invoices are always prepared and sent on the first of each month.

If you have requested additional services or development requests outside the scope of your software licence agreement, a breakdown of these items are prepared and invoiced separately to the above and referred to as custom invoices.

Custom invoices are prepared upon request and will have their own terms and conditions attached, for example, 50% down payment for development work.

Your account manager will keep you apprised of this throughout the billing period.

Payment methods

All invoices can be paid by credit card or bank transfer - we use Stripe to process payments.

Our account details are clearly outlined on all monthly and custom invoices, however if you have any questions or comments regarding your invoicing - then please get in touch.

Invoicing & VAT

VAT is applicable to all services provided by

The rate of VAT is always calculated as a percentage on the total value of the services added to your monthly or custom invoices; this rate is dependent on the country where you are based and the legal form of your company. 

Within the European Union, the VAT reverse charge rule is applicable can also be applicable to invoices, based on article 196 of directive EC/2006/112; this means that a VAT rate of 0% will be added to your invoices and VAT, at the rate determined by your country is payable to your countries Tax authorities.   

Please be aware that when applicable, VAT rates are subject to change at any time. However, should our services become liable to new VAT rules, we will of course inform our customers at the earliest opportunity. 

There is a wealth of information available regarding Tax, VAT and your business, so if you require information on how any of the above affects you, you should contact the authorities in the country of your operation in the first instance.

Late invoice payments

Your invoices from are sent to you on the 1st week of every month. It is important for you to check your spam folder, around this time if you have not received this yet. Our payment terms require settlement of invoices within 14 days unless otherwise stated.

If you've missed the invoice deadline, please get in touch with us as quickly as possible as there may be a late payment administration fee applied to your invoice and your services could be disrupted. 

In this case, you will also receive a reminder from our finance department, which you will need to settle at the earliest possible opportunity.

If you are experiencing difficulties, it is important for you to get in touch with us so that we can discuss your circumstances and review your payment options. 

Should your account fall into further arrears, your account will be automatically suspended, and a collection and administration charge applied to the outstanding balance. In this case, you may also be liable for collection costs and any interest on the amount outstanding. 

We will always work with you to settle outstanding balances and the important thing is to let us know how we can help you.

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